Changes in SoundCloud JavaScript SDK version 2
Previously, SoundCloud announced JavaScript SDK version 2. Backstage Blog - Introducing JavaScript SDK version 2 - SoundCloud Developers JavaScript SDK version 1 is now deprecated and will be permanently replaced by version 2 on July 1, 2014. What? July 1? We must hurry up! And the upgrade guide is here. Upgrading to JavaScript SDK 2.0.0 - SoundCloud Developers We've done our utmost to make the upgrade to version 2.0.0 as seamless as possible. Everything should work as it did before, but please be sure to test before deploying your application. I was relieved a little because they said "Everything should work as it did before". But actually, it's NOT TRUE! First, mute() and unmute() are deleted. These methods are SoundManager2 methods. SDK ver.1 uses SoundManger2 internally. SoundManager 2: Documentation Second, SDK2 doesn't fire event callback like onplay, onfinish. And I looked at it why. Finally, I found that it's because SDK2 now uses...