Disruptions: Apple Is Said to Be Developing a Curved-Glass Smart Watch - NYTimes.com … the smart watch might soon become a reality, in the form of a curved glass device made by Apple… Would it include Siri, the voice assistant?… mobile payments… Corning, the maker of the ultra-tough Gorilla Glass…it had solved the difficult engineering challenge of creating bendable glass, called Willow Glass… who specializes in wearable computing and smartphones… wearable computing could replace the smartphone over the next decade… a tablet plus wearable computers, like watches or glasses… Mr. Cook is clearly interested in wearables. In the past he has been seen wearing a Nike FuelBand… Google, is pressing ahead with plans to make wearable computers mainstream … developers to start building applications for its glasses… スマートフォン、タブレットと来て、次に出てくるデバイスはどんな形になるのか?Googleはメガネ。一方、Appleは?どうやら時計らしいね。 メガネはウェアラブルコンピューティングの世界では典型的なものだけれど、ハード面の問題や、何より「ダサい」ということが普及しなかった原因だと思う。Appleはきっとそこをよくわかっていて、アクセサリ...